Hot-garlic Goat Kidneys n Onions

Was too late to the butchery tonight so got some goat kidneys from the supermarket, to add what i already had at home.


I am testing 2 things in this post. Doing it from my phone and posting process shots which may be as close to reveries as I’ll usually get.

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First the ingredients. Goat kidney, a white onion, half a red onion, garlic and some bullet peppers. I bisected the livers then sliced the halves…(I switched back to the computer here, phone battery went down rather fast, who knew lading MD of pics would not be energy efficient 😛 )

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I then added the kidneys to the pan i had warming on medium heat with some ghee. After spreading the pieces out and leaving it uncovered to simmer I chopped the garlic, bisected then sliced some peppers and the red onion half, and cut the white onion. I wanted to go with different sizes on the onions because I like having different sizes of things at times.

I stirred the kidneys then let them cover and simmer.


After a few minutes, once the kidneys were nice and browned I put the fire on low heat. Poured what was cut and chopped, dipped the spatula into the ghee and drizzled some in drizzled in some, stirred it up then covered it for a minute or so. I then uncovered it, stirred it and let it fry a bit more. My intention was to get the flavours in there, without overcooking the onions and peppers, which begin to loose colour if you do or to char the garlic.

There you have it. Kind of a recipe how to post. Some suggestions are you can add spices or coconut milk, or marinate the kidneys. But kidneys are full of their own unique flavor. That is what i went for here. No salt or other additions. Just that Kidney flavour.