Goat Meat Patties w/ shrooms n Eggplant


I got to the Butchery in time to get the Minced goat meat today. So got to try out what I wanted to make instead of yesterdays Hot-Garlic Goat Kidneys.
Minced goatIngredients are 3 small Eggplants, 3 Cloves of Garlic, 250 g of Minced Goat Meat, a Red onion, i fresh button pepper, one dried pepper, and not pictured is an egg and Ghee for cooking.

peeled and sliced eggplant  

I begun by peeling and slicing the eggplants. You do not have to peel the smaller ones as the skin isn’t as, but even with the larger ones you can usually get away with this striped sort of peeing when dealing with them in slices.

Salted eggplant

Next I salted them to pull out some of the moisture and left them in a colander and put them aside. It is advised to let them sit for about an hour in this way when you are going to Pan fry them was my plan.


Next I sliced half of the onion and the mushrooms covered them and put them in the fridge.


Then I beat the egg in a dish, chopped the the remaining half of the onion, the garlic and the peppers , put them into the dish and folded in the minced meat. Which I then covered and put into the fridge.

At this point I returned to my room and started a game of Madden ’15, as the Eggplants need their time to de-moisturize. I got it because of the new physics engine and haven’t felt the need to upgrade yet. In franchise mode. RGIII is 36.

Rinsed eggplant  

K about an hour passed and I returned to it. Begun by rinsing the eggplants. Put the 3 pans out on the stovetop then patted down the eggplants to get as much moisture out.


On one of the pans, medium heat with some Ghee, I spatula-ed on 4 patties (I may eventually start using actual culinary terms sometime but this is apparently not that time) 


On a pan on low heat with some ghee I placed some the mushroom slices. Spread apart so they can breathe and brown without getting too moist.

imageOn the last pan with high heat and a lil more ghee than the rest I places the Eggplant slices. Again you will want to spread these apart and be aware that they will absorb quite a bit of the Ghee. I dip a fork in the ghee and run it along the interior walls when the oil seems to be running low.

Turned all the mushrooms, eggplants and patties then after a few minutes address the onions in the center of the Eggplant pan and drizzled some Ghee on it.

let them cook for a minute then plated the, patties, the eggplants, the mushrooms then the onions and it was NomNomNom time.


Another post done. I like experimenting in general. This is evident from the food and maybe less pleasingly from the current testing of different posting styles.

Bare with me.